


 I am Joni Anderle,
follower of my Lord and Savior,
wife to my sweetheart of forever (6th grade to be exact!) and now attorney hubs Bradley,
mother to two beautiful daughters, Addyson age 4 and Elliotte age 1,
former Elementary teacher turned stay at home mom,.
room mom,
pinterest addict,
home décor junkie,
party planner wannabe,
paparazzi of my children,
and then there is the Sonic Dr. Pepper that runs my life! :)

Just a small town Texas girl trying to keep up in the city. I have two younger sisters and mama and daddy are still living in Mayberry (eh, basically). I married into a family of 5 boys and I love my in-laws like my own. The hubs and I are Texas Tech alum who spent the first 4 years of marriage chasing dreams in Lubbock, Texas. We are now owners of our first home in suburbia, Texas. We are members of an amazing church that has brought us so many great new friends! We so much enjoy family days and finding new fun things to do and try. We are totally the most impulsive couple ever and kids have only slightly slowed us down. We find so much joy in the chaos and crazy that comes with a close family!

You can contact me at featheredarrows14 at gmail dot com.

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